NEAR is a community-based nonprofit serving the Near Eastside neighborhoods of Indianapolis. We take our cues for community development from our neighbors and within our 20 neighborhoods. Over 50% of the volunteers on our Board of Directors are Near Eastside residents. And over 50% of the Board of Directors are women or minority leaders. Our community-based development planning includes the input of neighbors via quarterly Near Eastside Quality of Life Summits and follows priorities of the collectively-developed Near Eastside Quality of Life Plan (www.neareastplan.org) and Indy East Promise Zone (https://indyeast.org/about-promise-zone/).
NEAR and our community partners follow the principles and practices of Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD), which views the community’s individual and collective assets, gifts, talents, skills, abilities, and resources as the primary source for positive change and renewal.
NEAR’s staff and contract project managers are primarily rooted in the Near Eastside’s neighborhoods as residents and advocates for equitable development and ever-improving quality of life for all.
Joe Smoker
Interim Executive Director
contact (joe@nearindy.org)
Heather Jernigan
Office and Grants Manager
contact (heather@nearindy.org)
NEAR’s volunteer Board of Directors are community-rooted and diverse. Over 50% of Board members live on the Near Eastside and over 50% are minorities and/or women. Here is the roster of our current Board of Directors:
Andrew Kienle, Chair
Marisol Gouveia, Vice-Chair
Matthew Kaercher, Treasurer
Rachel Chappell, Secretary
Joshua Anderson
Desma Belsaas
Renee Davis
Emily Duncan
Michael Gomez
Julie Smith
Amanda Wishin
Contact NEAR for more information (assistance@nearindy.org).